OBR ADV Gear Affiliate Program

Share Your Love Of OBR ADV Gear (and earn cash)!

Here at OBR ADV Gear we recognize that our best sales representatives are in fact our own customers. Growth through “word of mouth” is by far the most flattering form of marketing … our customers creating their own stories that include OBR products. Your stories often result in product recommendations and sales, which allows OBR to expand our brand by helping kit out those already engrained in motorcycle adventure as well as those who are just getting started.

We have thought long and hard about ways to reward those who recommend OBR products, and we are excited to announce our affiliate program: the OBR “Commissioned Sales Incentive (CSI)” program. Our CSI program will pay you an incentive for each order generated through your recommendations. It’s simple … recommend our products and earn a referral payout when a sale is made (essentially a commission).

We encourage you to keep reading to learn how easy it is to participate!

How do I sign up for the OBR CSI program?

Simply fill out the affiliate program application form (administered through UpPromote).  Once your affiliate application is approved, you will receive an email with a link to the affiliate portal. Please contact us if you have any questions or issues with this process.

Note: UpPromote uses the Amazon email service to send affiliate emails, the default sender's email address is "no-reply@secomapp.com".  Please check your junk folder for these emails.  Also note that if you reply to an affiliate email, OBR won't receive it.

What do I have to do to earn a referral payout?

You will be assigned an affiliate link (and an affiliate coupon code) ... simply share your affiliate link and coupon to earn payouts. You can access all your affiliate information on the UpPromote affiliate portal.

How will I receive my referral payout?

We will be sending payouts using PayPal.

When can I expect to receive my payout?

Payouts will be processed at the middle of each month after the fulfillment of the referral order.

How are taxes on payouts paid?

It is the responsibility of the CSI participant to claim their referral payout on year-end tax returns and pay any required taxes.  U.S. tax law and IRS regulations requires merchants to collect W-9 forms from all affiliates who are US citizens. It is a way for the government to ensure that taxes are being paid. The UpPromote platform will securely collect your W-9 information if you are a US citizen.

How much is the referral payout?

The payout is 10% of the net sale amount (the total sale after subtracting any coupon discounts, taxes, and shipping fees).

Can I get a custom affiliate coupon code?

When you sign up for the OBR affiliate program, we generally just make up your affiliate coupon code.  If you would prefer something specific, just let us know and we can work together to get it set up!

What are Cookie days?

When you sign up for the OBR affiliate program, you might see the term "cookie days" in the program description.  Folks have asked us: what the hell are cookie days anyways?  Web magic ... read on to learn more!

When the customer clicks your affiliate link, a cookie is created in their browser that stores your affiliate information. The cookie has a specific lifetime (30 days by default), after that the cookie is automatically deleted.

Within the cookies lifetime, every order made by this customer at OBR ADV Gear will automatically result in commissions to the affiliate (there’s no need for the customer to click on the affiliate link again, the cookie stores the needed affiliate information). The idea is to capture your commission if the customer makes a purchase anytime after clicking your affiliate link (say on a return visit to the OBR site). 

After the cookies lifetime, if the customer clicks the affiliate link a new commission/cookie cycle repeats (a new cookie is created).

For example, assume a cookie time of 30 days:

  • If the customer buys anything from OBR ADV Gear within the cookies 30 day lifespan, a commission will be recorded to the affiliate’s account.
  • From day 31 onward, any purchases from the customer (if not via the affiliate link) will NOT lead to any commission recorded to the affiliate.